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WHY BLOGGERS FAIL? 10 reasons why bloggers fail


10 reasons why bloggers fail

WHY BLOGGERS FAIL?  10 reasons why bloggers fail

1. There is no goal

This is probably the most important because the whole point of blogging is to have a purposeful conversation with people. For example, if the purpose of your blog is to show people how to lose weight, everything on your blog should be about that topic. If you post articles about your latest road trip or cute cats, the reader will leave your site faster than a Bugatti.

Solution: Before starting a blog, find a niche that you are interested in and knowledgeable about. After that, make sure that every article you write is related to that niche. This is really important; don't create a website that doesn't have a specific purpose.

 2. We believe that blogging is easy and requires little effort

If your definition of easy and low effort is more than 30 hours a week on your blog, you're right. it's easy. Blogging requires constant effort from you, from writing quality content to promoting your content. It can be very tiring. More importantly, blogging is growing at an amazing rate, so new bloggers have a higher bar to raise. A few million blog posts are published every day, which means you have to be truly unique to succeed. It can be hard, but the effort pays off in the end.

Solution: Before starting a blog, plan how much time and effort you are willing to put into your new blog. The more time and hard work you put in, the faster you will reach your goal of creating a side income or, if you dare, a full-time income.

 3. Choosing a market based on "How much money you can make".

Blogging is tiring and requires a lot of effort, sometimes as much as a full-time job, so before starting your blog, make sure that the niche (topic) you choose is one you are passionate about. Don't let outside forces dictate your time Life is time in motion. If you want to lead your life, you have to plan your time wisely. Our Time-Smart Toolkit guides you to plan your goals and activities smartly so you can reclaim your time and reclaim your life! Back to my time If you are not physically fit and know nothing about nutrition or exercise, do NOT jump on the fitness bandwagon because it is worth it. Every niche is profitable, you just have to be smarter. Don't think you can start a blog on a topic you don't like to write about. You get tired and finally give up

Solution: Choose your niche wisely. If you love to fish, start a fishing blog that teaches people how to fish effectively. If you like football, start a blog on how to increase speed, firepower…

4. Don't have your own domain name

This is the easiest mistake to avoid and one of the things you must do if you want a successful blog. But every day people start blogs without a domain name. If you don't know what a domain name is - it's basically the name of your website. If you start a blog on a domain you don't own, for example: 1. 2. 3. On Tumblr... You are basically telling your readers that you are not a professional. Of course, there are people who have managed to blog without a domain name, but they are one in a million.

Solution: Be sure to start your blog with your own domain name. It's simple and cheap, but the rewards are rich.

WHY BLOGGERS FAIL?  10 reasons why bloggers fail


who earns more: blogger or youtuber

 5. By writing quality content and just sitting around waiting for people to find it

One of the reasons most new blogs fail is because they start a blog believing they only need quality content. Blogging is 30% content and 70% advertising. If you don't promote your content, how will people find your articles? Google or any other search engine will not rank you high when you start your blog.

Solution: Blog content can be promoted in many different ways. The most extensive and important are: - Guest blogging (which basically means writing a guest post on another established website) - get a union (which is relatively difficult, but the rewards are incredible) – On Facebook, Pinterest and other major social media sites.

 6. Believe that you will become a millionaire in one month

It's a big attitude mistake that will tear your dreams apart if you don't manage it. Yes, there are blogs that make more than $50,000 a month. But do you know how long they lasted? At least 3 years of continuous engagement! Your goal may not be that big, but understand that you have to give it time and real effort.

Solution: Don't give up on blogging before you've tried it for at least 8 months. Make sure your dream is realistic and realistic. Don't you think a monthly salary of $50,000 is worth a few years of tremendous effort?  

7. Unequal blogger

If you want to be a successful blogger, you need to have a clear and regular schedule. You can't write blog posts if you just "want to". It's work, and if you don't take it seriously, you'll fail. Every successful blogger making a fortune from their blog knows that the key to success is publishing quality content regularly.

Solution: There are two options here. First, promise yourself that you will write at least a certain number of posts per week and make sure you do it. If you want to take it to the next level, get yourself an online delivery calendar and make sure you stick to your schedule.

WHY BLOGGERS FAIL?  10 reasons why bloggers fail



8. Terrible design

You know what hurts more than terrible content, terrible design!! You know what they say about first impressions; you only have one chance. So if your website looks like it was designed by a 5 year old, you will be treated as such. When choosing a brand new blog theme, I recommend investing in a paid theme instead of a free one. Free themes are limited and look unprofessional to many readers.

Solution: Keep your theme design as minimal as possible. You don't want a website with a red background, yellow links and blue text. It just looks like spam. So choose an elegant yet simple design.  

9. Using ads

 on a brand new blog If you're starting a blog and trying to build trust and appreciation from your readers, don't use ads on your site. You know why? Because ads are spam! If you are not an established blog, the reader will associate your blog with spam. Not a good thing! If you want to make money with your new blog, start with affiliate marketing.

Solution: Stay away from ads until you have at least 50,000+ visits per month. This may seem difficult to you. But remember that you will only get about 5-50 cents for each ad click. So unless you have a lot of traffic, it won't earn you significant money.  

10. There are no participation or subscription pages

When you start your blog, start building your email list from scratch. Email is and should always be your priority. People don't have time to remember every website they visit, and it's your job to make sure they remember your blog. So make sure they are subscribed to your mailing list.

The solution. If you want to learn more about building an email list, there are tons of tutorials online. Collect from us using pop-ups, opt-ins or side-by-side opt-in forms. You might find them annoying, but they work great, especially the pop-ups.

WHY BLOGGERS FAIL?  10 reasons why bloggers fail




What is the hardest thing about blogging?

Content planning. Content planning is the hardest part of blogging. If you don't create good content, nobody knows you and nobody cares about you.

 Why can't people blog?

 One of the main reasons blogs fail is a lack of relevant and engaging content. In fact, "originally written content" is the most important type for 58% of marketers.  

What makes a successful blogger?

Your blog should add value to your readers' lives. You want to help people solve problems. This is the only way to get quality readers to your site (and keep them coming back). Adding value is the only way to get someone's long-term buy-in.



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